As the year comes to a close, we are excited to spend time with loved ones and reflect on a wonderful year! We know this time of year can be busy and stressful as you jump between holiday parties and try to check off your shopping list, so we want to encourage you to take a moment to pause and enjoy a sweet moment with someone special! Here's a recap of special time we shared as a team to celebrate the holidays:
It’s getting down to the wire for Christmas gifts, and chances are your bank account is already hurting from the gifting and party-going you’ve already been doing. We’re here to help! We rounded up some Pinterest-worthy DIY gifts that you can make with a bag of Darling Citrus® and just a few other things. Let’s get crafty! (photo by: Sylvia's Simple Life)
We love seeing what our creative foodie friends come up with using Darling Citrus®, and the newest recipe from Shadi of Unicorns in the Kitchen is no exception. She says this about her Clementine Spice Cake: “A robust combination of flavorful spices like ginger, cinnamon and cardamom gives this cake a warm feeling. Every bite contains a hint of each spice and, when paired with a cup of tea, this cake makes for a tasty winter afternoon snack.” Count us in!