You know the saying, “you never know what you’ve got until it’s done?” That’s how we feel about cleaning supplies right now. But brand names haven’t always been around- there was a day with people made their own, with less harsh chemicals. And guess what? It’s easier (and cheaper) than you might think!
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All-Purpose Cleaner
All you need is two ingredients: Darling Clementine® peels + distilled white vinegar. After you get done snacking, don’t throw away those peels! Place them in a jar and fill it with vinegar. Close the lid and let it sit for at least 10 days and up to 30, shaking every few days (this is important!). The citrus peels will drastically reduce the smell of vinegar. When it’s done, strain out the citrus peels and mix two parts water with 1 part clementine solution and use it for an all-purpose cleaner!
Note: avoid using on granite countertops, as the acid can wear away at the sealant.

DIY Lemon Soap
One of our favorite DIY gift ideas can also come in handy for your own home. This handmade soap takes just a few ingredients: lemon zest, glycerin, a bowl, saucepan, soap mold and optional lemon essential oil. It can also be made with any Darling Citrus® you have on hand!

Simple Citrus Essential Oil
All it takes to make your own citrus essential oil is Darling Lemons® or Darling Clementines® and cold-pressed olive oil. Fill a glass bottle halfway with citrus zest and fill with olive oil. Let it sit in the sun for a few days (in the windowsill works great!) and store in an airtight container at room temp. Add a few drops cleaner, soaps, or into a diffuser for a calming and cleansing scent.
We want to know if you try any of these ideas! Comment below or share with us on social media.
Note: These DIY products have not been evaluated by the CDC and are not intended to be used for sanitizing or disinfecting purposes.