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illustration of some oranges
illustration of some oranges

A Food and Lifestyle Blog
By Darling Citrus® and LGS Sales

DIY Carnival Treats

July 30, 2020 | By: The Darling Dish

Summertime is starting to wind down, but that doesn’t mean the fun is over! Turn your backyard into your own DIY carnival experience. Bring out the corn hole, the ring toss, the apple (or clementine) bobbing- you name it- and set up some fun stations for your kiddos to play. Be sure to have prizes for them to claim with their “tickets,”and of course, plenty of craveable citrus carnival treats! 

Family Night Snacks

July 23, 2020 | By: The Darling Dish

Nothing is sweeter than a night in with the family. Whatever the activity, it’s always a great time when it’s with those you love- but having good snacks makes it that much better. Treat yourself to a darling time with Darling Citrus ®  and Suavo Avocado ®  treats to munch on during a movie or game night. 

Chilly Citrus Treats

July 16, 2020 | By: The Darling Dish

Summer heat can easily be beat with some chilly citrus treats! Wander into a world of cool with frozen desserts that’ll keep the heat at bay. Enjoy the sunshine with a side of sweet Darling Citrus®  and Suavo Avocado®. 

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