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illustration of some oranges
illustration of some oranges

A Food and Lifestyle Blog
By Darling Citrus® and LGS Sales

Ideas for Staying Cool in the Summer

June 5, 2019 | By: The Darling Dish

The sun is out, temperatures are rising, and ice-cold pools are open for business -- it’s officially summertime! Time to find those floppy hats and big sunglasses to claim your seat by the water. Beat the heat the Darling way!

In the Fields: Peru

May 29, 2019 | By: The Darling Dish


Chop It Like It's Hot: Fun Food Boards for the Holiday Weekends

May 23, 2019 | By: The Darling Dish

With the unofficial start to summer quickly approaching, it’s time to start breaking out the platters and chopping boards! Nothing quite makes a party like a big pile of food that can easily be “picked” by the guests (or yourself, multiple times…).

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