Back-to-school means back to lunchbox packing! Surprise your kiddos with a switch up from their usual lunches by sending them to school with these fun and fresh, yet quick and easy back-to-school lunch ideas featuring Darling Citrus®.
Send Them Off With A Sandwich
It is essential that your little one stays fueled throughout the day to maintain focus in the classroom. Swap out their regular PB&J with a Japanese Clementine Cream Sandwich made with sweet milk bread, fresh whipped cream, and Darling Citrus clementines.
Have Fun with Fruit
Of course, we have to add color to the lunchbox by throwing in some Citrus, especially when there are so many different ways to pack it.
- Make a fun Rainbow Fruit Salad with your kids for a fun weekend activity, then send the already prepared snack to school with them all week!
- Pack Darling Clementines® and Darling Minneolas®. Slice ‘em or send ‘em as is! The naturally sweet flavor will be just what your student needs halfway through the day to refuel their brain.
- Pack some of these fruit ingredients for food art and let your kid’s imagination run wild during lunch! Pro tip: Use these fun food art crafts as an after-school snack pass- time!
Pack a Tasty Trio
Whether you group your Darling Clementines® with Suavo Avocado® toast and pretzels, almonds and cheese, or rice cakes and veggies, you can’t go wrong with packing a tasty trio. There are endless possible combinations to mix with citrus and make all your child’s wildest lunchtime dreams come true!

Which citrus will you pack for lunch this week?
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