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illustration of some oranges
illustration of some oranges

A Food and Lifestyle Blog
By Darling Citrus® and LGS Sales

Delish Dish

Welcome to the Delish Dish!

Your resource for all of our most delicious Darling® recipes!

Deck the Halls with Darling Lemons®

December 14, 2022 | By: The Darling Dish

There’s no way to spread holiday cheer like getting in the kitchen and baking sweet treats with your loved ones! This season, add some Darling Lemon®-y goodness to your holiday desserts.

3 Citrus-Infused Tea Recipes

December 7, 2022 | By: The Darling Dish

Colder weather calls for staying in and warming up by the fire with your favorite warm beverage! Nothing leaves us feeling as toasty as Darling Citrus® infused tea.

It's Always Avo Time

November 30, 2022 | By: The Darling Dish

Who says Suavo Avocados® can only be enjoyed in a refreshing summer salad or in cool guacamole? We take pleasure in fresh avocados year-round! Their ability to enhance the flavor in warm entrees, savory breakfasts, and sweet treats is only the beginning of their versatility.

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