Ever wondered what in the world a minneola is? Also known as a minneola tangelo, this citrus variety is a natural genetic crossing of a grapefruit and a tangerine, resulting in a sweet-tart flavored fruit. They tend to be more juicy and easier to peel than oranges. The minneola gets its name from the town of Minneola, Florida, near where it was first discovered in 1931.
Just like oranges, minneolas are full of nutrients such as vitamin C and potassium, and contain about 90 calories per serving, making them a perfect snack just as they are. Or, add minneola juice and zest to bring a bright pop of flavor to both sweet and savory dishes.
Here are three ways that we use our Minneolas:
1. Zest ‘em

You can use the zest in baked goods like these mouthwatering Minneola Tangelo Buttermilk Scones. Not only are these the perfect breakfast pick-me-up, they’re also a great afternoon snack to go with a cup of coffee or lemonade.
2. Pair ‘em

Make a sweet and tangy fruit salsa to compliment fish, chicken, or shrimp, like this Coconut Shrimp with Minneola Salsa. Paired with any meat, our minneolas make a zesty addition that your meals have been missing! Sweet and savory never fails to win over the crowd (or your stomach!)...
3. Juice ‘em

And of course, we can’t forget another very important use for minneola juice - cocktails. Try this Tangelo Rummy for a new happy hour favorite! We won’t tell if you have a sip (or two)...
Next time you see these little bell-shaped beauties in stores, be sure to pick up a bag (or two). You may just find you have a new favorite citrus variety!