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illustration of some oranges
illustration of some oranges

A Food and Lifestyle Blog
By Darling Citrus® and LGS Sales

No Shame in My Citrus Gains

October 1, 2020 | By: The Darling Dish

Look beyond your typical protein shake to obtain that post-workout fuel. Consuming the proper nutrients after you exercise is important to help your body recover properly. If you’re in the market to switch up your post-workout meals, then we’ve got you covered on some simple yet delicious citrusy favorites! 

Experiment with New Equipment

September 24, 2020 | By: The Darling Dish

Are you looking for inspiration to stay active or ready to up the ante on your basic home workout routine? No matter your fitness journey, we all struggle with maintaining constant motivation to exercise. Try incorporating new equipment into your next sweat sesh to spice things up and keep you moving! We did a little research and found 3 fitness-junkie approved pieces of exercise equipment that are both affordable and functional.

Disclaimer: Always consult with your doctor or healthcare provider before beginning a new exercise regimen or experimenting with new exercise equipment. 

Download a New Fitness App

September 17, 2020 | By: The Darling Dish

Fitness apps are all the rage these days! Between tracking workouts and offering countless trainer-led classes for every fitness level, apps are a one-stop-shop for just about any workout you have in mind!

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