Your backyard is the perfect place for brand new adventures! Why not a DIY waterpark?! It’s a great way to spend the day outside in the sun, staying cool and entertained. But no waterpark experience is complete without: the snacks. Nachos, milkshakes, and the works! Delicious meals you thought you could only indulge in at your nearby waterpark, but made right at home with Darling Citrus® and Suavo Avocado®:

Oh, popsicles… Is there any more quintessential summer food? Fresh strawberries and Darling Clementines® get blended together for a pop that *might* just give the ice cream man a run for his money. And the kiddos would never know they’re getting a dose of vitamin C!
Nachos are a staple waterpark food that can’t be beat, and it’s all got to do with what you put on top. This creamy, refreshing salsa is the ultimate way to load up your nachos the right way, with a splash of Suavo Avocado® and fruity flavor! Enjoy munching in between sprinkler runs and homemade water slides.
There’s no better way in beating the heat than with something sweet. This Suavo Avocado® creamy concoction is the perfect treat to end a day of fun in the sun. Just beware of the brain freeze!
How are you staying cool and creative this summer? Let us know below!